Start with some seeds…

One day you realize…A grower am I.

6 seeds germinated using a wet paper towel and sealable sandwich bag, placed by a warm, sunny window.

Seedlings in the tiny pots below, grown under a grow light I purchased for about 40 bucks. It’s winter where I be…

The seedlings all grew into saplings, following which they were transferred into bigger planters.

Utilizing a fish poop fertilizer and staggering the watering to try and get strong roots.

And only today my boy and I added the diy aluminum-foil-cardboard reflectors to get more light intensity (on the cheap) around our little green friends.

So far so good. Let’s see what happens in the days and weeks to come.

Grow. Cure. Heal.

I daresay Southside Flower (LLC) is up and running.

Medicine Man For Life

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