There is a special level of venom I have for xenophobes.


Maybe it’s because I’m an immigrant myself.

A very proud immigrant who despises the nationalists of all three countries he has passports with.

So I’m just writing this blog to say…

Fuck you, if you’re a xenophobe.

And get a fucking life.

We’re all human beings, you miserable piece of shit.

Nationalism is for losers and cowards.

The only reason you hate immigrants is because we’re tougher, smarter, and more resilient.

Why do you think even your frothiest nationalist leaders can’t and won’t do shit about it?

We’re the reason your economies of excess are actually functioning, stupid.

And guess what?

We’re outcompeting you birth-privilege-wallowing bozos in the process.

Compared to where we came from, this shit is easy.

So, here’s a suggestion:

Stop fearing us…and start learning from us.

Up your game.

Cos our kids are going to have an edge your kids won’t.

Psst, hey Europeans (and all other dumb border nationalists)…



No one is illegal.

Dear fellow migrants:

Leaders like Meloni and her toxic ilk are meant for the trash heap of history.

Smash those borders and demand your reparations.

Europe’s parasitic ways are coming back to haunt them.

This is karma for their colonial plunder.

And lest we forget…


The most religious communities…


Produce the most backward thinking citizenry.

This is probably difficult for some people to internalize, perhaps even offensive for many to state out loud.

But it’s a truth that has, without fail, made itself apparent to me time and time again, over many decades.

Adults who have their religion be the end all and be all of their lives imprison their own minds.

And this is their right to do so.

But what is unacceptable, indeed downright immoral, is when the minds of children are imprisoned.

So…make no mistake.

Some of us will always hold the line.

We’re stubborn that way.

For this age of reason has soldiers.