The Minnesota Dept of Education and State Auditor need to conduct a thorough audit of charter school Affiliated Building Corporations.


They are essentially private schools being run with public money;

With none of the market accountability that actual private schools must subject themselves to;

And pretty much none of the government oversight that public schools are legally mandated by.

It’s an unregulated free for all – with public money.

What’s really problematic however, is the fact that they get to own real estate – with tax-free revenue bonds and shady loopholes in the charter statute that allows then to set up their own building companies.

That’s the people’s money and thus must be subject to oversight by representatives of the people – elected and appointed.

If charter schools are delivering to the public as promised, then great, have at it and more power to them.

But if they’re not, then perhaps there needs to be a reappropriation and redistribution of our children’s money to ensure it benefits the children first.


Broken Shackles Media – citizen journalism – Oct 6 2023

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