It’s hard being a humanist in a world mired by religious bloodlust.


I never thought my antipathy to organized religion could actually increase, but in this era of right wing religious extremism, it seems like the only option for those of us with a humanist soul.

Atheism is too soft. Anti-theism is where it’s at for me now.

If you are a follower of any of these misogynistic death cults – no matter which sky father you claim is the rightful one – you have a serious problem. It doesn’t matter if you’re one of the “moderates” – you are part of the problem if you ascribe to, and worse justify, such organized mass insanity.

Religious nationalism regularly showcases itself as one of the major sources, if not the major source, of bloodletting the world over.

Take your religion and shove it up your ass, you miserable fucking losers knuckle-dragging around the wrong side of history. You’re bringing the rest of us down with you, and we’re sick of it.

It’s impossible to be sympathetic with any of you people when this what it leads to.

One of the greatest decisions I ever made with my life, a long time back, was discarding this ghastly human invention known as religion.

For humanity’s sake, I hope you do the same.


Broken Shackles Media | Citizen Journalism | Dec 30 2023

Biden stays the course of presidential war crimes.


I am a citizen of the world’s leading terrorist state and arms trafficker.

No matter who’s fighting who, America always seems to be able to pay itself with blood money;

Profiting from the slaughter of innocents.

Now more than ever, in the heart of the beast, we need a new internationalist 5th column;

Individual insurrectionists of a greater humanity, who won’t fall prey to warmongering.


Broken Shackles Media | Citizen Journalism | Dec 9 2023

Whither, whither Western “civilization” when no one buys the agit prop any longer?


Dear Western exceptionalists and civilizational monoculturists:

For a good long time now, what you might collectively refer to as “the West” has really been lording it over the rest of the world. Live it up for the time remaining (hey, I’m one of you, so I know life is good out here).

But here’s a bulletin for all of us – No one is buying the imperialist bullshit any more.

This is a new world – dare I say it – order. And, I’m not one of those sentimental morons who imagines some romanticized oppressed subject. I don’t believe any other past imperialism was any better, nor do I believe any future imperialism would be an improvement on the current horrors of white plunder. Many of us know this and ascribe to a greater humanism as a result. Perhaps we do so silently, cynically, even hopelessly, but we do it nonetheless.

And our numbers are growing.

Indeed, people like me are actually your worst nightmare, for we understand a very simple truth.

Oppression creates monsters.

We know that the West is no better than the rest, and that the rest is no better than the West; but we also know that the West sure as hell is hated a lot more…with good reason too.

We might be powerless to stop it, but at least we’re done with the propaganda of naked imperial genocide.

Israel is warmongering beyond redemption.


No terrorist state, no matter how powerful, can slaughter with impunity and receive zero blowback, not Israel or Russia, not Saudi Arabia or Iran, not China or India, not good ‘ol America – even if it’s supported by the majority of its citizenry.

Take the current ethnic cleansing conducted by Israel in Gaza; By most accounts over 80% of Israelis support the slaughter, though far fewer support the government conducting it.

This paints a picture of dehumanization of the “other” that seems to have taken over swathes of Israeli society. (They might want to ask themselves why yerida outnumbers aliyah by quite a bit, but that’s a separate post.)

This is not peculiar to Israeli society. All societies go through this frothing-at-the-mouth, bloodthirsty jingoism when the ethno-national majority of said society feels a mass aggrievement – except nowadays it doesn’t last anywhere near as long as it did in the past.

For this is a new age. A new social media age where, despite many drawbacks, it’s getting rather impossible to control information.

Warmongering is fast losing its sell-by date. Even in the imperialist West where it’s been pastime for many a century.

Hive minds still exist in the public discourse of social media, but because it’s on full display, I daresay hive cynicism has grown in far greater numbers.

Authoritarian propaganda – hasbara for Israel – cannot compete with this cynicism.


Broken Shackles Media | Citizen Journalism | Dec 16 2023

America and NATO sold wolf tickets to Ukraine, getting thousands of Ukrainians killed in the process.


Make no mistake about it, Russia is winning this war. At a brutal cost, mind you, but still winning it. Western imperialist hubris is currently beginning it’s “finding out” phase after a few centuries of the “fucking around” phase.

Perhaps the greatest beneficiaries of this war have been weapons manufacturers across the world, especially in the West.

Now where have we heard that before?

Ironically enough (and this is the actual kicker), Western dominance even in that realm is fast coming to an end. The rest of the world has caught up militarily – indeed, the technological gap is almost non-existent – with swathes of their citizenry having the stomach for a fight that the overwhelming majority of Western citizens will not be able to handle. Forget China and Russia. I’m talking countries like Turkey, Iran, North Korea, even friggin Venezuela. They’re all catching up militarily and they have far fewer fucks left to give than we do in the indolent West.

Peace and genuine universalism is not so much a sentimental ideal as much as it is a necessity for survival – the survival of all and not just the beautiful people of the world.

We must ask ourselves:

Whither whither Western hubris, when no one gives a shit about us any longer?


Broken Shackles Media | Citizen Journalism | Dec 4 2023