Chunky Monkey Cardio


Chunky monkey cardio is the idea that you don’t need a 6-pack to get that heart rate up, those muscles tired, and them lungs pumping in interesting, fun ways.

Chunky monkey cardio is a stress-busting fitness, wellness, and community-building endeavor.

Chunky monkey cardio is my daily fitness regimen, rooted in realism, by giving a middle finger to stress and perfectionism.

Chunky monkey cardio is the workout that makes me feel less guilty about that late night pizza binge and 3-hour dive down a YouTube rabbit hole about some random UFC fighter.

Chunky monkey cardio is fitness for lovable beasts and adorable monsters.

The formula is not that hard – because life already is.

Train daily. Eat well. Take care of your loved ones. Enjoy life.

One needs to have some discipline but, more importantly, one needs to stop stressing the fuck out.

(Now on to that big Sunday brunch…cos I just did 50 burpees bruh.)

Watch “Kab Tak Sahenge: A Powerful Rap Song on Caste-Based Atrocities | The Quint” on YouTube


The caste atrocities in the land of my birth are even more brazen with the rising tide of Hindu fascism. Dalits are murdered, raped, and humiliated daily. Little has changed for millennia.

This is not hyperbole.

Precious fucking little has changed for millennia.

As I watch with a helpless rage…

It feels appropriate right now to at least state for all eternity that – just like the elite power mongers of other religions – Hindus who uphold the poison of a Savarna Manuwadi caste order are my sworn enemy. Even if they’re of my own blood.

For, within and without, this poison must be eradicated.

The power of insignificance…


We always have been, and always will be, matter, information, and light.

To be “human” is ultimately a mere configuration of matter, information, and light.

“To be” is to be matter, information, and light.

You get the picture…