There is a special level of venom I have for xenophobes.


Maybe it’s because I’m an immigrant myself.

A very proud immigrant who despises the nationalists of all three countries he has passports with.

So I’m just writing this blog to say…

Fuck you, if you’re a xenophobe.

And get a fucking life.

We’re all human beings, you miserable piece of shit.

Nationalism is for losers and cowards.

The only reason you hate immigrants is because we’re tougher, smarter, and more resilient.

Why do you think even your frothiest nationalist leaders can’t and won’t do shit about it?

We’re the reason your economies of excess are actually functioning, stupid.

And guess what?

We’re outcompeting you birth-privilege-wallowing bozos in the process.

Compared to where we came from, this shit is easy.

So, here’s a suggestion:

Stop fearing us…and start learning from us.

Up your game.

Cos our kids are going to have an edge your kids won’t.

Psst, hey Europeans (and all other dumb border nationalists)…



No one is illegal.

Dear fellow migrants:

Leaders like Meloni and her toxic ilk are meant for the trash heap of history.

Smash those borders and demand your reparations.

Europe’s parasitic ways are coming back to haunt them.

This is karma for their colonial plunder.

And lest we forget…


Start with some seeds…

One day you realize…A grower am I.

6 seeds germinated using a wet paper towel and sealable sandwich bag, placed by a warm, sunny window.

Seedlings in the tiny pots below, grown under a grow light I purchased for about 40 bucks. It’s winter where I be…

The seedlings all grew into saplings, following which they were transferred into bigger planters.

Utilizing a fish poop fertilizer and staggering the watering to try and get strong roots.

And only today my boy and I added the diy aluminum-foil-cardboard reflectors to get more light intensity (on the cheap) around our little green friends.

So far so good. Let’s see what happens in the days and weeks to come.

Grow. Cure. Heal.

I daresay Southside Flower (LLC) is up and running.

Medicine Man For Life

Time to acknowledge luck in our lives…


Good. Bad. All.

Scale back enough, one realizes luck can be…well, everything really.

Realization of the same provides otherworldly strength.

Removing unnecessary, a priori agency from our experiences helps one heal, liberate, and rationalize the selves.

In ways I/we didn’t think possible.

Helping to focus on nothing but the now.

(*he mulled in cynical – yet pleasurable – acceptance*)

Finitude, fear, and meaning.

Our greatest loves are also the source of our greatest fears.

The finite aspect of our lives fuels our more crippling moments of morbid angst.

Meaning itself – even at our most essential nurturing selves – is fundamentally finite.

That’s a scary thing to comprehend.

Then again…

Isn’t that the point of it all?

Something, anything, in life is meaningful only because it has this brutal limit to it. It is finite. Nothing changes that.

Love is the beautiful tragedy that transforms random life into intentional living.

Fear is how how this manifests on a daily basis for dumb ones like myself.

Methinks it’s time to be ok with being afraid.

Nothing wrong with fear, I’m beginning to realize.

The real problem (for any of us really) is, and always will be, cowardice.

Fuck your gods and your governments…

Religion and nationalism is for dangerous imbeciles, not honorable beasts of nature.

Yeah you heard me…

Fuck your gods and your governments.

I’m a human being…soil-in-waiting…I don’t fear your damnation or your shame.